Comfort, Care, and Compassion for Every Moment.

About Life Healthcare stands at the forefront of providing compassionate, holistic end-of-life hospice care. With a focus on individualized support and comfort, our team works to enhance the quality of life for individuals facing life-limiting illnesses. 

About Life Healthcare

Beyond the Diagnosis: Rewriting Stories with Comfort, Care, and Compassion.

About Life Healthcare is a leading provider of integrative naturopathic hospice care. We specialize in combining conventional medical practices with natural and supportive therapies to address physical and emotional care. We offer counseling and bereavement support to ensure a comprehensive approach to care throughout the entire hospice journey.

What We Do

Our Services

We are committed to providing high-quality services tailored to meet you and your loved one’s unique needs.

We provide integrative holistic care that goes beyond your diagnosis -- recognizing your unique story, values, and goals, to create a personalized end-of-life journey.

Request an Evaluation

Begin your journey towards compassionate and individualized hospice care by requesting an evaluation to guide personalized care planning.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is hospice care and how does it differ from other forms of medical care?

Hospice care is a specialized approach that focuses on providing comfort, support, and quality of life for individuals with life-limiting illnesses. It shifts the focus from curative treatments to comfort care, prioritizing symptom management, and providing comprehensive support for patients and their families during the end-of-life journey.

Where is hospice care provided? 

Hospice care can be provided in a wide array of settings. This includes the patient's home, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, or specialized hospice care facilities.

How is hospice care funded? Does insurance cover it?

Hospice care is primarily funded through Medicare, which covers a selection of hospice services for eligible individuals. Private insurance plans and Medicaid may also provide hospice care coverage – however, specific coverage and eligibility criteria can vary depending on the insurance provider and policy.

When is the right time to consider hospice care for a loved one?

A loved one may benefit from considering hospice care when their medical condition reaches an advanced stage, and curative treatments are no longer effective in improving their quality of life. Please contact us if you believe this is the right time for hospice care.

Contact Us

Address: 3101 N Central Ave, Suite 790. Phoenix AZ 85012

Call Us: 602-612-2641 


Monday through Friday 10am to 3pm, with nurses on-call 24/7